2 min readOct 10, 2019

Public debriefing on outcomes of the 40th BEREC ordinary meetings

Event date: 10.10.2019

The results of the elections for BEREC Chair 2021 and number of public consultations will be among the topics to be presented at the BEREC public debriefing on the outcomes of the 40th BERC ordinary plenary meeting. The public debriefing will take place in Brussels on 10 October 2019 at 14:00 (CET). BEREC Chair 2019 Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) invites all interested parties to attend the event in person or online via the live stream. The BEREC Chair will provide the latest information on the following topics:

  • Net neutrality/Open Internet;
  • BEREC Work Programme for 2020 and stakeholders engagement;

During the public debriefing, the BEREC Chair will also announce the launch of other six public consultations on the following documents:

  • Draft BEREC Work Programme 2020;
  • Draft BEREC Feasibility study on development of coverage information for 5G deployments;
  • Update to the BEREC Guidelines on Open Internet;
  • Draft Guidelines on the identification of the network termination point;
  • Draft Guidelines for geographical surveys of network deployments;
  • Draft Guidelines detailing quality of service parameters;

Watch us live on | Questions via Twitter #BERECpublic or email: | Recording of the event on BEREC’s YouTube channel afterwards

The BEREC Office would like to inform that the meeting will be filmed and that the images of part or the whole event will be livestreamed on the BEREC website and a recording made available on the BEREC YouTube channel afterwards. Full speeches or parts of them may be reused for internal documentation, public communication activities, trainings or pedagogical projects. Participation in the public debriefing involves the acceptance of being filmed and no fee may be asked for any use or reuse of the recorded images or statements.

The personal data provided for the registration is processed according to the European Commission’s privacy statement.


Profilo ufficiale dell'Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni. #Agcom